
The MA is run by members for members from its headquarters in Loughborough and is managed by a Council of around 20 MA members. Its aim is to conduct the business of the Association in accordance with the Articles of Association. The Council consists of the President, the Immediate Past President, the President Designate, the Chair of Council, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the chair of each of the Committees listed below and seven members without office.


President: Charlie Stripp MBE

Immediate Past President: Prof Nira Chamberlain OBE

President Designate:  Paul Glaister OBE

Past Presidents 


Chair of Council: Dr Ems Lord
Secretary: Dr Paul Harris
Treasurer: Sudeep Gokarakonda

Standing Committee of Council

The Standing Committee has the power to act on behalf of the Association except in such matters as are reserved to the Directors, the Council or a General Meeting, and it shall report any such action to the Council not later than its next meeting. The Company Secretary, if not already a member of the Committee, will attend meetings but will have no voting rights.

Chair: Dr Ems Lord
Secretary: Dr Paul Harris
Treasurer: Sudeep Gokarakonda 

President: Charlie Stripp MBE
Immediate Past President: Prof Nira Chamberlain OBE
Member-without-Office:  Cherri Moseley

Company Secretary: Bill Richardson


Branches Committee

The Committee exists to encourage and support the activities of the Branches. For details of MA branches, visit the Branches section.

Chair: Cindy Hamill


Teaching Committee

The purpose of Teaching Committee is:

- to keep under review matters concerning the teaching and learning of mathematics and to address matters of potential future importance;

- to advise the Council on response and representation by the Association to outside bodies on matters which affect the teaching and learning of mathematics;

- to initiate, in collaboration with other Committees of the Association, the dissemination of its findings through publications, conferences, meetings and other appropriate means.

Teaching Committee has two sub-committees:
Primary (joint with ATM), Secondary 11-18 

Chair: Manina Tyler-Mort



The Board manages the publication of the Association's journals.

Editor-in-Chief: Ed Southall


Conference Committee

The Committee organises the Annual Conference and other conferences.

Chair: Dr Andy Kemp


Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Chair: Louise Pennington


Publications Committee

The Committee manages the publications of the Association.

Chair: Jill Trinder


Membership Committee

The Committee exists to promote membership of the Association.

Chair: Jemma Sherwood

If you would like to contact any members of Council, please email the Chief Executive Officer, Sandi Atkinson in the first instance, who will be able to connect you with the best person for your enquiry.