NRICH: Maximising the potential of our rich mathematical resources in your classroom
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Mathematics

11 February 2020

Title:  NRICH:  Maximising the potential of our rich mathematical resources in your classroom

Abstract:  In this highly practical session, members of the NRICH team will introduce some of their latest rich mathematical resources alongside classroom practitioners who will share their insights into maximising their potential with your learners. Be prepared to explore, reflect and have fun! NRICH was recently recognised as Resource of the Year at the Above and Beyond Awards and continues to attract huge worldwide interest in both our resources and professional development opportunities, including our attempt with Maths Week England to deliver the world’s largest-ever mathematics lesson.

Date:  Tuesday, 11th February 2020 4.30  - 6pm  (All meetings begin at 4.30 with tea/coffee provided from 4pm)

Venue:  University of Cambridge, Faculty of Mathematics, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA

Contacts:  Lynne McClure (,  Mark Dawes (,  Ems Lord (, Luke Rolls (